We don't all have to do the same thing but we can all do something!

A Homeward Info Session is for everyone! If you are a church engaging with The Homeward Project, the Info Session Kit provides everything you need to inspire people to get involved and find the unique role they can play in the Out-of-Home Care space.

The Info Session Kit includes:

The Homeward Project team will support you to plan and host your Info Session using the following resources

  • Presentation Slides

    Beautiful presentation slides will enable you to communicate clearly and effectively about the mission, the need, and the opportunities for people to get involved.

  • Facilitator Guide

    The Facilitator Guide will equip you to plan and host an effective Info Session, including detailed facilitator notes to help you present the presentation slide content.

  • Participant Booklet

    The Participant Booklet provides those who attend your Info Session with the key information covered in a PDF format that can be references both during and after the event.

Host a Homeward Info Session

Request the Info Session Kit today!